Greg Wright
Certified Fraud Examiner
Greg has helped Seniors manage retirement planning, and fraud & abuse related issues for over 40 years. He is a frequent public speaker and has taught finance at the Ball State Miller Business School. He is the four times re-elected President of the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners central Indiana chapter.
Since over 30% of Social Security numbers are used by another person, without the lawful owner's permission, you need to find out if you have been a victim and help you mitigate this major risk..
For over three decades, he has written extensively about investment fraud, insurance fraud, and embezzlement first in an Indianapolis Business Journal weekly column, in his book Common Sense Retirement Planning, and currently in his blog. His article about embezzlement was published by the international publication, Fraud Magazine. In 2017, the Journal of Forensic and Investigative Accounting has publish a research paper Greg co-authored.
His civic activities include:
* Commissioner, St,. Monica School - current appointment
* Appointed by the Indiana Attorney General to the Public Integrity Coalition.
* Elected member of the Washington Township Board of Education, 2006-2010.
* Former Chairman of the Indpls MBE/WBE Contract Compliance Board.
* Named Sagamore of the Wabash by an Indiana Governor